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5 Tips for a Healthy Entrepreneur Mindset


When you have a business, it's easy to let yourself go. After all, you're busy building your brand and making sure that everything is running smoothly. But if you don't take care of yourself, there will come a point when your health takes a turn for the worse—and that can seriously hurt your bottom line. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stay fit as an entrepreneur: consider these five tips!

Make it a point to sleep for 8 hours every night

You know how you need to eat and drink to stay healthy? Well, sleep is the same. It’s not just about the number of hours you spend sleeping—it's also about getting quality rest.

Sleep has a big impact on your memory, concentration, creativity and productivity. If you don't get enough sleep, it can affect your physical health too—including levels of hunger-regulating hormones like leptin (which makes us feel hungry) or ghrelin (which makes us feel full).

I once had a friend who was so busy working late nights that he couldn’t fall asleep until 3am! He would wake up at 9am feeling exhausted and drained—so much so that he often skipped breakfast because he felt nauseous from lack of food. Later I learned this was due to poor nutrition caused by his lack of meals throughout the day (and night).

Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs

Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs. You’ll learn a lot from them, and they will provide constant support as you grow your business.

You may be surprised at how much you can help each other if you have similar goals. For example, if one person wants to increase traffic on his website and another needs help marketing her e-book, it might just work out perfectly! You could also motivate each other when things get tough; maybe one day you have a bad week and the next day she has one too! You guys can talk about what happened and try to figure out why or how it happened so that you don't make the same mistakes again in the future. Your mutual goal is to succeed as entrepreneurs so there's no reason not too get together once every few months for coffee just so that we can check up on each other's progress :)

Plan ahead and set aside time for exercise

While exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, it can also be tricky to fit into a busy schedule. If you don't plan ahead, your exercise routine will likely fall by the wayside. Plan at least two days a week that are designated for exercise. You should also set aside time on those days to fit in other parts of your day as well. For example, if you want to go for a walk at lunchtime Monday through Friday and then meet up with friends after work on Tuesday and Thursday nights, make sure that all three activities are accounted for in your schedule so that nothing gets missed or left behind due to lack of time!

Additionally, consider finding ways to incorporate physical activity into daily tasks: instead of taking the elevator up or down stairs when possible; using your bike for short errands instead of driving; etc. The more often this becomes second nature and ingrained into our daily lives (even if only subtly), the easier it'll be over time!

Spend time with friends and family who aren't involved in your business

It's important to have a life outside of work, so make sure you prioritize that. If you don't have time for friends and family, it can be hard to keep your head in the game. You might not always be able to find time for your friends and family, but if you try harder at it than other things (like checking email), then it will eventually happen!

Don't forget: They're people too! Make sure they feel welcome in your business space. And if they're not familiar with what you do, make sure they feel comfortable asking questions about what exactly goes on inside the walls of your company HQ. Even though it's technically "your" company—you share ownership with them!

Don't dismiss the value of small wins

Small wins are important. They're the reason you got out of bed that morning, they are what keep you going during bad times and they should never be dismissed. Celebrate every small win!

It's easy to get caught up in the big picture when it comes to your business or personal goals. You may have a grandiose vision for what you want to accomplish, but if you don't celebrate each step along the way, then those big dreams can feel impossible and daunting.

Don't lose sight of the small wins because if you do, then all of your hard work may go unnoticed or unappreciated by even yourself. Be sure to stop every once in awhile and appreciate how far along your journey has taken you -- even if there's still a long road ahead!

Take a break when you need it, even if it's just for a few minutes each day

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to know when you need a break and what activities will help you recharge.

Take breaks throughout the day. When you first start a business, you might think that taking time off is something only lazy people do—but that’s not true! Taking breaks during the day is actually good for your health and energy levels, which in turn helps with productivity and reduces stress.

It's important to take breaks from work at least once every day, even if it's just for ten minutes or so. Your body needs time to rest and recover from being active all day long without any downtime! Some ways to unwind include going outside for a walk around the block (or even just sitting on your front porch), meditating for 5-10 minutes before bedtime each night (you can get started with these guided meditations on YouTube), taking naps during the afternoon...the possibilities are endless!

While growing a company is important, your health is too!

When you're growing your business, it's important to take care of yourself. After all, if you don't take care of yourself, who will? You want to make sure that there's time for relaxing and enjoying life outside of work. While this may be difficult with a busy schedule and unlimited amount of work to do (and no one is going to hold your hand along the way), keep in mind that this is an important part of growing as a person—not just as an entrepreneur.

It all comes down to finding balance in your life, which takes practice but can be done! There are lots of ways for entrepreneurs like us to find the right balance between being healthy and being productive in our lives: yoga classes after work; getting together with friends on weekends; cooking meals at home instead of eating out five nights per week...the possibilities are endless!

Remember, taking care of yourself is an important part of growing your business. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks or urgent emails and forget about how you’re feeling—but don’t let that happen! Make it a priority to take time for yourself and manage your stress levels so that you can stay focused on what matters most: growing your company.

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Taylor Symmank

Meet Taylor -- Taylor is a retired NFL athlete that has been featured in major media outlets including Sirius XM Radio, ESPN, FOX Sports, CBS Sports, Bleacher Report, Dallas Morning News, New York Post, Washington Times, and Sports Illustrated. He has spent time with some of the world's top performers in sports and in business. He aims at helping others break through what is keeping them stuck, so they can become winners in every area of their life. He has also been working with Ryan Stewman side by side for some time now and has been helping individuals continually level up their life.
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