As a person, you are constantly growing. You are learning new things every day, and hopefully you’re also improving yourself. However, there are times when no matter how hard we try to improve ourselves or make positive changes in our lives, we still end up being at a standstill. We get stuck in a rut and we don’t know how to get out of it! In this post I am going to talk about some things that can prevent your growth as well as some very simple ways on how to avoid them so that you can continue growing in all areas of life (spiritual/mental/physical).
Trying to be too perfect
Trying to be too perfect is one of the most common ways people prevent their growth. It's also one of the most insidious, because it goes largely unnoticed until it becomes a problem.
Perfection is unattainable, and as such can only be an enemy of good work. Perfection is not a virtue in itself; it does not exist in reality—only in your imagination or on paper. If you feel like you need to be perfect all the time, ask yourself why this is so important to you? Does it come from a place of fear? Do you think that other people will judge and criticize your work if it isn't flawless? There are many reasons why someone might try to be perfect all the time; for some people perfectionism stems from family environment and cultural expectations about how we should present ourselves publicly (for example: using social media), others may just have certain areas where they feel insecure about themselves, so they overcompensate by becoming obsessive about perfectionism with those things instead—but never being able to achieve it!
Listening to criticism without applying wisdom
Listening to criticism without applying wisdom is another way that people poison their growth.
If you are going to use your gifts and talents, you will have more opportunities for others to give you feedback on how they perceive your performance. Sometimes we get defensive when this happens. Sometimes we just want to argue with the person giving us feedback instead of listening and considering it carefully. As a result, we get stuck in our own perspective because we don't take time between receiving criticism and responding with wisdom or maturity. Instead of getting defensive, ask yourself: "How can I use what this person says?" Then apply wisdom by taking action in response to the information given!
Making friends with people who are always negative
The first step to avoiding negative people is to understand that they're not good for you. They will bring you down and make it harder for you to achieve your goals, both in and outside of work.
If you find yourself surrounded by negative people, the best thing to do is just walk away from them and surround yourself with people who have positive outlooks on life. The more time that passes around positive individuals, the more their attitude will rub off on you—making you a happier person overall!
Complaining is your culture
Complaining is a habit. This is one reason why it’s so easy to fall into the trap of complaining at work. It can be fun to share your worst days with your coworkers, but it doesn’t make you feel better in the long run.
Complaining is not a solution. We complain about things that we cannot change because of their immutability or irrelevance, and this makes us feel powerless and defeated. When you find yourself doing this, remember that there are always solutions waiting for you if only you look hard enough for them!
Complaining doesn't motivate others—it lowers morale instead! If you're going to complain about something at work (and we all do), then make sure that it's actually worth complaining about before opening up shop on your colleague's ears
Do not be too perfect, listen to constructive criticism and make new friends.
You have to be open to new ideas and do not be too perfect because it will prevent you from learning and growing. Everyone makes mistakes, but if you don’t learn from these mistakes, it can be fatal. If someone says something that is constructive criticism, then listen carefully and try not to get defensive because the only way to improve yourself is by listening.
If you are always looking at what other people are doing better than you instead of focusing on yourself then this means that they have become your goal instead of being your motivation. In order for us human beings to grow as a person we need challenges so that our brain continues thinking outside the box which will make us smarter by solving problems in creative ways such as using tools or technologies that were not known before.
Remember that growth is a journey, and we are all on different paths. Knowing your weaknesses and flaws is not a bad thing but accepting them can be challenging. Start by trying to be less judgmental towards yourself and others, which will help you maintain a positive mindset.