I’m a pretty optimistic person. I like to think of myself as a “glass half full” kind of guy. But I have to admit that the world can be a dark place, and it can be easy to get caught up in negativity and despair. With everything going on in our country right now, it’s important that we all stay positive—even if we can only manage small acts of kindness. So here are some ways you can make your world just a little bit brighter:
Look for opportunities to be kind.
Step 1: Look for opportunities to be kind. You might not see them at first, but they’re there. What you want to do is look for ways that you can make someone else’s life easier. This could mean holding the door open for someone or helping someone in need, but it could also be something that you do on a regular basis and consider part of your routine.
Show empathy.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It's important to be empathetic with others, even if they are not being kind to you. You can use empathy in your daily life by:
making eye contact with people when you talk to them
putting yourself in someone else's shoes
listening without interrupting or judging them
Listen with your heart.
When someone is sharing their story, they are inviting you into their world. Listen with your heart.
Don't dismiss what they are saying with a simple, "I get it."
Don't try to fix them or give advice unless they ask for it.
Don't get defensive if they're angry or sad; let them know you understand how they feel by sharing your own emotions in response to what they've said. This can help open up a conversation and bring both parties closer together in understanding one another's perspective on an issue (especially when both parties seem like polar opposites).
Focus on community.
Community is a group of people who are connected to each other by some common interest, experience or goal. Communities can be small or large, but the key thing about them is that there's an inherent human connection between their members.
Community is important because it gives us a sense of belonging and purpose, which makes us feel safe. When we're part of a community, we feel like we have friends who understand us and will support us when we're feeling down; this makes us more likely to become happier and healthier overall.
Community can be found in all kinds of places: sports teams or dance classes at school; local churches or mosques; volunteer groups like Meals on Wheels; local businesses where you work or shop (like restaurants); even college campuses! If you can't find one easily enough in your area—or if there aren't any groups out there that sound appealing—you can always start your own community!
Help others see their own kindness.
You can also help others see their own kindness by being a good example. If you see someone else doing something kind, don't be afraid to tell them about it and encourage them to do more of it. Don't expect anything in return because the most important thing is just being kind. You can also show your kindness by being nice to yourself, which sounds counterintuitive at first but is actually very important! It takes a lot of courage and strength to be kind—especially when there are so many mean people around—so give yourself credit every time you choose kindness over sarcasm or anger.
Be kind to yourself.
The world is a tough place, and the people in it are often pretty unkind. It's okay to feel sad or angry or frustrated when that happens. But don't let those feelings stop you from being kind to yourself.
It can be so easy to beat ourselves up when things go wrong at work or with friends, or when we mess up a relationship. Don't let this happen! Give yourself a break as often as necessary—you deserve it! And if you need help getting there, remind yourself why you're awesome with our reasons list of why everyone should love themselves (and their hair).
You don’t have to be perfect all the time; no one expects that from you anyway! Be kinder than you expect others will be toward themselves—and make sure they know how much better off we'd all be if we were just a little more forgiving of ourselves too...
Being kind is a choice, and it starts in our own hearts. You may find challenges along the way, but if we’re willing to put in some effort — even just once in awhile — we can make this world a little bit better place for everyone.