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How to be sure you're doing the work you were called to do

The world of work is changing. Jobs are getting automated, which means that we’re going to see a lot more people lose their jobs or have to change careers. But for those who are able to change and adapt, this could be an opportunity for them to finally do the work they were called to do.

However, it's hard to know what you're supposed to do if you don't take some time for self-reflection and soul searching! Here are some ways that can help:

Know your zone of genius

>Your zone of genius is your place of greatest usefulness and fulfillment. It's where you do your best work, and it can be found by observing what you're drawn to over time.

If you're not sure what your zone of genius is, there are a few ways to find out:

  • Pick something that interests you and dive into it as deeply as possible. If this feels like a challenge or an opportunity for growth—whether in the form of hard work or stretching yourself beyond comfort zones—it may be one way that God has placed things in front of you so that they can help lead you to where He has called you.
  • Ask others about their own experiences with this topic, too!

Be clear about your purpose

Your purpose is the reason you exist. Your purpose is the reason you were born. It's what you were created to do and it's what you're here on earth to fulfill. And here's a little secret: If there isn't something in your life that brings out your best self, then there's probably something missing from your life.

As we discussed earlier in this article, if we don't know our calling or if we don't understand what our purpose is, then we may find ourselves working at jobs that aren't fulfilling or satisfying; jobs where we can't excel because they require skills that are not ours or passions that lie dormant within us; or jobs where our efforts are put toward activities instead of toward meaningful ends for which others would greatly benefit from them. As such, having clarity about whether or not this particular job does indeed align with your calling will help ensure that when choosing a career path for yourself (or even just figuring out what career path seems most suitable), it'll be one where all aspects of who you are can shine through bright enough so as to produce meaningful results for society at large!

Craft a mission statement

The first step to crafting a mission statement is to identify your unique strengths. These are the talents that God has given you and which make you special, such as the ability to lead, communicate effectively, or inspire others. Really just distill down to what makes you uniquely different from everyone else and can be used for His glory.

Once you've identified those strengths, write down some potential ways in which they could be used for ministry. Think about how these strengths could be put into practice by helping people in their own lives on a daily basis (e.g., teaching someone how to find an apartment). Use this list as inspiration when crafting your mission statement so that it encompasses all of your gifts and abilities rather than just one or two things.

Your final step is simply writing out what kind of impact people would have when they use the gifts and skills outlined above while serving within this context: "My mission statement is..."

Get clear on what fulfills you and how you want to serve the world

  • Write down your ideal life. What does it look like? What do you want to be doing? How are you serving the world?
  • Get clear on your values and passions. What motivates you? Why did God put this desire in your heart, or why did it strike a chord with what He already placed there?
  • Think about how much time, money and energy are required for the job that fulfills you now compared to what it would take for the job that fulfills you even more—both financially and personally. If both jobs offer equal pay, but one offers more fulfillment than another, which would be more worth your time (and money)?

Know what sets your soul on fire

Know what sets your soul on fire.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, knowing what you love to do and are good at, knowing what you are passionate about… they're all important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to figuring out how to be sure you're doing the work you were called to do. But there's one more piece: knowing what sets your soul on fire.

Every person has something that makes them feel whole when they do it—whether it's writing a blog post or getting lost in a novel or baking cupcakes from scratch or making intricate origami animals (like me!). Whatever it is for YOU, I guarantee that if there's something out there that lights up every part of who YOU are—your mind, body, heart and spirit—that's where you'll find purpose and meaning in life.

Understand the difference between your calling and career

The difference between a calling and a career is this:

  • A calling comes from God. It’s your unique purpose and place in the world, the thing you were born to do. We live this out by following Jesus, loving others well through our service, and displaying God's glory in all we do.
  • A career is something you make happen for yourself—it’s about getting paid for work that you enjoy doing well enough to make it profitable (and hopefully enjoyable). Sometimes this work also aligns with your gifts and passions; sometimes it doesn’t. Either way, there are many careers within our callings; they are not limited to one type or level of success or ministry experience.

So how can we tell if we've found our calling? Often when people think they've been called into ministry because they have an interest in serving others (or have already served), but their job isn't necessarily related to that desire—for instance: If someone wants to start volunteering at their church but works as an accountant full-time—we encourage them not only pursue volunteering opportunities but also think about whether there might be something else out there where your strengths could be used in conjunction with God's mission on earth (and where those two things intersect).

Create a life that lets your soul soar

One of my favorite quotes comes from an ancient Greek poet named Sappho. She said, "If you do not wish to be a slave of the world, but want to be free and rule your own life by your own self-control; if you want to live as you please, not being ruled by anything but reason: then don't let the world get its hands on you."

This is what living a soulful life looks like. It's creating a life that lets your soul soar. A soulful woman is one who is actively involved in activities she loves—things that bring her joy and fulfillment—and who also has dreams she strives toward every day. These activities can include anything from writing poetry on rainy days or running marathons on sunny ones; they can mean spending time with family or friends while sitting alone in silence at home; they could even mean shoveling snow off your driveway without complaining once because it makes you feel alive and productive (even though everyone else would rather just sit inside).

You can love what you do for a living if you're clear about your purpose and align it with your career path

  • Know what you love to do.
  • Know what you are good at.
  • Know what you are passionate about.
  • Know what fulfills you.
  • Know what sets your soul on fire, and then align this with your career path or business idea in such a way that the two are compatible and complementary (which may be tricky if these goals have been at odds).

As you can see, finding your calling isn’t a matter of luck or fate. It’s a process that requires hard work, dedication, and commitment. When you know what fulfills you and how you want to serve the world, it becomes much easier to put in the effort necessary for success. In the end, though—whether or not it feels like it at times—finding your purpose will always be worth it!

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Taylor Symmank

Meet Taylor -- Taylor is a retired NFL athlete that has been featured in major media outlets including Sirius XM Radio, ESPN, FOX Sports, CBS Sports, Bleacher Report, Dallas Morning News, New York Post, Washington Times, and Sports Illustrated. He has spent time with some of the world's top performers in sports and in business. He aims at helping others break through what is keeping them stuck, so they can become winners in every area of their life. He has also been working with Ryan Stewman side by side for some time now and has been helping individuals continually level up their life.
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