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Influencers’ Effect On Your Business Decisions


Influencers are everywhere. They're the people in your social media feed, on YouTube and Instagram, and even on television. The influencer effect is real: their opinions affect what we buy, eat, and do. But how exactly does this happen? Let's explore this topic further!

How do influencers affect us?

As a consumer, you probably follow the leader. You want to be like those people who have been successful and are living their best lives. If your favorite blogger posts about a new app that helps improve productivity at work, chances are you'll download it too—even if it costs money. Consumers are savvy when it comes to spending money on products; they know how much something should cost and how much value it provides for them. They also know what's worth investing in and what isn't—whether or not an item is overpriced depends on its quality, whether or not people use it regularly (and why), etc..

Influencers have a lot of power because they're seen as authority figures by many followers who trust their recommendations more than they trust any other source of information (especially since there isn't always consensus among experts). For example: Celebrities endorse certain brands; but why would someone buy something just because Kim Kardashian used it once? Well...because she has millions of followers who believe everything she says! And these consumers will likely purchase whatever item Kim uses without realizing that she was paid thousands upon thousands of dollars just to post about her favorite new gadget on Instagram

Influencer marketing is a growing field

Influencer marketing is a growing field, and for good reason. Influencers are becoming more popular, and there is a lot of money flowing through this channel. They have become more effective than celebrities because they're more relatable than celebrities.

The way in which influencers are helping businesses achieve their goals has changed significantly over the years but the impact they have had on brands, especially smaller ones, cannot be ignored anymore.

What is a true influencer?

Influencers have a large following on social media. They're trusted by their followers, and they have a unique voice that is consistent across all of their content (which can be a blog post or an Instagram photo).

A true influencer is someone who influences others—not just their own personal preferences or interests, but also their purchasing decisions. A true influencer has expertise in their field and has built up credibility through years of experience as well as being able to connect with people through authentic communication.

Influencers are not just celebrities or internet personalities; they include thought leaders, industry leaders and even bloggers who write about topics relevant to your business goals.

Consumers are savvy

As the online world has grown and evolved over the past few decades, consumers are more informed than ever before. They’re more likely to trust their friends and family than they are strangers—and that goes double for influencers.

Consumers have been trained by marketers to trust brands, but not every brand is trustworthy (think BP Oil Spill). That’s why it’s important for businesses to take advantage of influencer marketing: because your customers will be more likely to trust someone they know personally over someone who just seems like they might know what they're talking about on social media.

People tend to follow the leader

One important thing to consider when thinking about how influencers affect our decisions is that people tend to follow the leader. This means that if you see an influencer promoting a product, it's more likely that you will buy it.

In addition, the marketing approach of "more is better" works well with influencers because people like being part of the crowd and are more likely to buy if they see other people buying.

Influencers can cause consumers to buy products without realizing it

  • Trust. Influencers are people you trust, and trust goes a long way in the buying process. The influencer has to have a reason for being followed by a lot of people. The best way to do this is to be genuine and show your real personality, not just when you’re paid for it but every day on social media.

  • Reach/Relevance: You need to know that the audience will find your content meaningful enough that they feel compelled to pass it along themselves because they believe in what you’re saying or doing.

  • Credibility: If an influencer is talking about something new, even if they don’t immediately have credibility with their audience (yet), they can still have an impact on consumers because it creates curiosity among consumers who then go out and research what they heard about from the influencer directly or indirectly through others referencing them as well as other sources like articles written by experts in that field/topic area etc., which also builds credibility for both parties involved (influencer & brand).

In the end, the question is not whether or not you should use influencers in your marketing strategy. Instead, it’s a matter of choosing who you want to work with and how they can help your business grow.

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Taylor Symmank

Meet Taylor -- Taylor is a retired NFL athlete that has been featured in major media outlets including Sirius XM Radio, ESPN, FOX Sports, CBS Sports, Bleacher Report, Dallas Morning News, New York Post, Washington Times, and Sports Illustrated. He has spent time with some of the world's top performers in sports and in business. He aims at helping others break through what is keeping them stuck, so they can become winners in every area of their life. He has also been working with Ryan Stewman side by side for some time now and has been helping individuals continually level up their life.
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