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Short Term Goal Ideas To Increase Motivation And Productivity


Short-term goals are essential part of achieving long-term success. They help to focus your efforts, increase motivation, and boost productivity. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, you can ensure that your efforts are directed towards achieving something meaningful. In this blog post, we'll explore some specific, short-term goal ideas that can help you increase motivation and productivity.

  1. Set a daily task goal: One of the best ways to increase motivation and productivity is by setting a daily task goal. For example, you could set a goal to complete three important tasks each day. This will help you focus on what needs to be done and ensure that you're making progress towards your long-term goals. Another example, if you're a business owner, you could set a goal to make 10 sales calls every day.

  2. Create a schedule: Another great way to increase motivation and productivity is by creating a schedule. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you're using your time effectively. For example, you could schedule specific blocks of time for different tasks, such as writing, research, and meetings. Another example,  as a business owner, you could schedule 9am-12pm for meetings with clients, 1pm-2pm for lunch, and 2pm-5pm for strategic planning.

  3. Prioritize tasks: Prioritizing tasks can also help increase motivation and productivity. By focusing on the most important tasks first, you'll be able to make the most of your time and achieve more. For example, you could prioritize tasks based on their level of urgency and importance. Another  example, a business owner could prioritize tasks such as closing an important deal, over less important tasks such as organizing their email inbox.

  4. Use a timer: Using a timer can also be a great way to increase motivation and productivity. For example, you could set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a task until the timer goes off. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you're making the most of your time. Another example, a business owner could set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a task such as creating a budget plan for the next quarter until the timer goes off, then take a 5-minute break.

  5. Reward yourself: One of the best ways to increase motivation is by rewarding yourself. For example, you could set a goal to complete a task and then reward yourself with a break or something you enjoy. This will help you stay motivated and ensure that you're making progress. Another example, a business owner could set a goal to reach a certain financial milestone and then reward themselves with a small vacation or a special treat.

  6. Stay motivated: The key to staying motivated is to focus on the bigger picture and the long-term benefits of achieving your goals. For example, if you're working on a writing project, you could remind yourself that the finished product will help you achieve your goal of publishing a book. Another example, a business owner could remind themselves of the bigger picture and the long-term benefits of achieving their goals such as financial stability, growth and expanding their business.

  7. Take regular breaks: Taking regular breaks is also important for increasing motivation and productivity. For example, you could schedule a short break every hour to help you stay refreshed and focused. Another example, a business owner could schedule a short break every hour to help them stay refreshed and focused, maybe a 5-minute walk outside or yoga break.


Short-term goals are an essential part of achieving long-term success. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, you can increase motivation, boost productivity, and ensure that your efforts are directed towards something meaningful. Remember to take regular breaks, stay motivated, and reward yourself for your achievements.

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Taylor Symmank

Meet Taylor -- Taylor is a retired NFL athlete that has been featured in major media outlets including Sirius XM Radio, ESPN, FOX Sports, CBS Sports, Bleacher Report, Dallas Morning News, New York Post, Washington Times, and Sports Illustrated. He has spent time with some of the world's top performers in sports and in business. He aims at helping others break through what is keeping them stuck, so they can become winners in every area of their life. He has also been working with Ryan Stewman side by side for some time now and has been helping individuals continually level up their life.
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